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1995 - 2002

In the 1995-2002 period, Jaime Lerner as governor brought great advances to the State of Paraná in the economic, social, environmental, cultural and infrastructure fields.


New economic profile

In a broad program of job attraction, approximately US $ 15 billion in private industrial investments came to Paraná, with about 700 thousand direct and indirect jobs created, mostly in the interior of the State, with emphasis on the wood industry and furniture, in addition to several segments of the agribusiness.

The economy of Paraná ceased to depend on the agricultural area, evolving to boast a modern industrial park, with first-rate technology, whose symbol is the automobile pole, the second largest in the country. Renault, Audi-Volkswagen, among others, were implanted , Nissan, Detroit Motors, accompanied by an immense number of suppliers.

Logistics Platform - to boost the change in the economic profile, the State was structured based on the “Integration Ring”, the backbone of state and federal roads with more than 2,300 km that integrate the main poles of the State and radiates development for all the regions. In conjunction with the private sector, infrastructure was invested, improving roads, ports, airports, strategic bridges, in addition to considerably expanding the production of electricity, consolidating the bases for a new leap in economic growth.

Social Advances

Paraná also gained prominence in the social area. The Jaime Lerner Government received several national and international awards for the creation and execution of programs such as “Da Rua para a Escola”, “Vilas Rurais”, “Universidade do Professor” and “Protecting Life”. It has become a reference in several others such as “Basic Pharmacy”, “Transplant Center”, “Clean Bay”, “Paraná 12 Months”, “Paraná Urbano”, etc.

All municipalities were served by the health policy of the Jaime Lerner Government, considered one of the best in Brazil. The government's actions guaranteed the biggest reduction in recent years in the infant and maternal mortality rates in the State. The “Protecting Life” program , awarded by the United Nations, trained 40 thousand health professionals and performed more than 1.7 million preventive exams for uterine cancer. The program helped to reduce child mortality in Paraná by 35%.

Investments in sanitation have contributed to reducing diseases and improving the population's quality of life. Also at the forefront in this area, the Jaime Lerner Government has guaranteed a service rate of 99% in treated water and 42% in sewage collection in urban areas, with 90% of this collected sewage receiving treatment (in Brazil, only 18% of sewage is treated).

In education, Jaime Lerner showed that the school can be an instrument of social transformation. Among so many other actions, he created the “University of the Professor” with the main mission of offering continuous training to all segments of the public school community, using innovative technologies and techniques for motivating and recycling the education professional.

The “Da Rua para a Escola” program returned and kept 80,000 children and adolescents in classrooms, offering a monthly basic food basket to the family that sends and keeps their children at school. In 1997, “Da Rua para a Escola” received the “Child and Peace” Award from UNICEF .

The number of daycare centers for children from zero to six years old almost tripled from 1995 to 2002. In total, 42,000 underprivileged children were assisted in the state's 417 new daycare centers receiving food, physical care, hygiene, leisure and education.

With the implantation of Centers of Excellence in volleyball, basketball and Olympic gymnastics and the creation of the University of Sport, Lerner started training a new generation of athletes and training sports coaches and administrators. Result of this policy is materialized today mainly through the international highlights in Olympic gymnastics.

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Quality of life

City planner, Jaime Lerner created the first Brazilian fund, through the “Paraná Urbano” Program designed exclusively to improve the quality of life in the municipalities. The program's US $ 415 million was invested in the infrastructure of all cities in Paraná.

The program financed projects such as the purchase of equipment, construction of squares, day care centers, health centers, public lighting, street paving, school transport and activities that generate employment and income.

Environmental Paraná

Just as he did in the city hall, Jaime Lerner put the environment on the government's agenda. Ideas, such as the “Clean Bay” program, helped to clean up the waters of Guaratuba Bay. Cleaning is done with the help of fishermen, who received a basic basket and guidance to develop new production alternatives, such as oyster breeding “farms”.

With the adoption of “Terra Limpa” , another environmental project, Paraná became the only state in the country to maintain a program for the collection, storage and recycling of pesticide packaging. Properly designed landfills were also implemented with the purpose of eliminating or mitigating the consequences of an inadequate destination of the solid waste produced, at the same time as an awareness and training program for farmers is developed.

In more than 70 municipalities in the state, old urban areas degraded by erosion and improper occupation were recovered and transformed into linear valley-bottom parks. These natural water drainage channels, previously abandoned, were revitalized with environmental recovery works that, in addition to preventing floods and floods, conserve springs, clean up water courses and contribute to the protection of river basins. Endowed with adequate infrastructure, they still provide a leisure area for the population of cities.

Lerner adopted a strategic environmental planning tool by implementing the “Biodiversity Network” program, which, among others, aimed at reorienting the state's environmental policy, through the establishment of state guidelines, linking public and private efforts, making programs and projects compatible, with a horizon and the basis for environmental and social sustainability and the formation of ecological corridors along the main rivers and mountains of the State, guaranteeing the natural flow of biological diversity.

As the greatest symbol of these corridors, the Lerner Government, in partnership with Itaipu Binacional, planned and executed the Canal da Barragem - the largest 'fish ladder' in the world, recovering a large environmental liability caused by the construction of the hydroelectric plant and rescuing the flow of 'piracema'.

In the area of ​​security, another avant-garde project: the Industrial Penitentiary , in three cities in the state. In one of them, in Guarapuava, the unit houses a furniture industry, which uses inmates' labor. The company is responsible for training, feeding and paying the prisoners' wages.

The country man was also prioritized. Lerner designed the “Fábrica do Agricultor” program to improve the income of rural family farmers and create new jobs by transforming Paraná's primary production. The “Fábrica do Agricultor” not only encourages the transformation of raw materials to add value to production, but facilitates access to credit lines and offers support in the marketing of goods, with the opening of channels for the flow of production and the preparation of visual communication proposals for products.

Created in 1999, the program made it possible to implement and modernize 1,251 small agro-industrial units, placing them in the market with professionalism and competitiveness. The quality of the products is ensured through the “Fábrica do Agricultor” seal, which is registered with the Ministry of Health, guaranteeing the respect of sanitary norms and environmental laws. The World Bank - IBRD recommended the program as an example of rural activity.

With the “Rural Villages” , Paraná was the first state to develop an action aimed at improving the living conditions of the low-income rural population. Housing, land and support for planting are offered, in addition to the creation of cooperatives and small agro-industries.

The state government, in partnership with the city halls, acquired areas - located next to the districts or on side roads so that its residents have access to school, health and the consumption of goods and services - that were allotted on land of 5,000 meters square, with a masonry house of 44.5 m2, water and electricity.

412 rural villages were implemented and 16 thousand families were served. Adding to the urban housing programs, there were more than 57 thousand housing units, serving 290 thousand people from Paraná, in 350 cities.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Culture and memory as instruments to strengthen the identity of Paraná . An ambitious cultural program allowed, among several actions, the implementation of the New Museum (now the Oscar Niemeyer Museum), one of the largest exhibition spaces in Latin America; “Comboio Cultural” , which consists of seven recycled buses that transform into a stage, took presentations of itinerant theater, children's and puppet theater, popular and classical music, dance and opera to all municipalities in Paraná, being considered one of the cultural undertakings most successful in the country; the “Velho Cinema Novo” program , which started recycling 17 old movie theaters in cities in the interior of Paraná, recovering them as fundamental spaces for the memory of cities and the meeting of people; and Parque da Ciência , a scientific-cultural space with the main objective of awakening people's interest in knowledge.

In terms of Regional Planning , Lerner carried out actions looking at the entire territory of Paraná, bringing together vocations on a regional scale. Six regional projects were developed focusing on the West Coast, Serra do Mar / Litoral, Campos Gerais, North Coast, Iguaçu Valley and the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, focusing on initiatives for the development of tourism and sport based on the state's environmental and cultural heritage . The results were reflected in job and income generation, gains for the environment, strengthening entrepreneurship, city halls and local communities. The West Coast project and the World Nature Games can be highlighted.

The Costa Oeste Project aimed to guarantee the possibility of multiple use of the reservoir that makes up the Itaipu Hydroelectric Plant. It is located next to the Iguaçu National Park and the Falls, covering the municipalities located between Foz do Iguaçu and Guairá. Its general conception emphasized the promotion of ecotourism and sports tourism, elaborating proposals to occupy in a viable way the areas that surround the lake of the Itaipu reservoir through the implantation of tourist centers and equipment that, due to its attractiveness, results in the increase in the number number of days the tourist stays in the region.

The World Nature Games , held for the first time in Paraná, was designed by Lerner to publicize the beauty of the West Coast region in the state in Brazil and in the world, for tourists and investors. Under the motto “Planeta Terra, Planeta Água, Planeta Ar - Unidos pelo Esporte”, several sports were played, such as canoeing, rafting, sailing, fishing, cycling, climbing, mountain biking, ballooning, triátlon, among others, with base infrastructure. the scenarios of the region

Within the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba , Lerner continued and designed new actions in the Environmental Sanitation Program - PROSAM / World Bank which included the construction of public supply dams, such as the Iraí Dam and major macro-drainage investments, such as the work from the parallel channel to the Iguaçu River. The sewage collection and treatment structures were expanded. The Iguaçu River, whose floodplains are protected by a large Metropolitan Park, was the target of some “acupuncture”, such as the Olympic Rowing Lane and the Science Park.

Rural areas gained control over the use of pesticides, incentives for organic production and the creation of fish farming tanks. The “Rural Tourism Circuits” created in the RMC had the dual function of strengthening the municipal identity and increasing the opportunities for economic development in rural areas, especially those conditioned by water sources, with the creation of options for gastronomy, accommodation, leisure, tourism of events and religious.

At the institutional level, the RMC's Integrated Management and Protection System was created, with a series of innovative instruments for the management, participation and control of land use and occupation.

Expansion of the Integrated Transport Network of Curitiba to 13 metropolitan municipalities took place, forming the RIT-M , with physical and tariff integration in connections between these municipalities and the hub.

Within the regional infrastructure, the conversion of an important section of the BR-116 into an urban road was promoted - the Green Line - enabling the creation in the metropolis of a new axis of occupation, regional integration and high capacity transport with the BRT. Also, the Contorno Leste, a high-capacity road work on a regional scale, connected the major highways (BR-277, BR-116 and BR-376/101) that cut through the region and removed heavy traffic from urban centers, while the Eixo Intercities began to connect urbanized areas and stretches where metropolitan growth is to be led. The rise of Afonso Pena to the category of international airport complemented the infrastructures that favored the economic leap in the RMC.

There were also profound changes in the Lerner management in the regional economy since the installation, in the second half of the 1990s, in several municipalities, of new industrial districts that received strong investments, mainly from automakers and their supply chains, led by the coming from Audi-VW and Renault. A “necklace of industries” elevated the RMC to the status of the country's second automotive hub, expanding and magnifying the opportunities for generating jobs and income, as well as strengthening the tax base of these cities. As an example, metropolitan GDP, in the span of a decade, grew 235%, with municipalities such as São José dos Pinhais and Fazenda Rio Grande registering increases of 360% and 303%.

All these actions and transformations at the regional level motivated the review by the metropolitan body - Comec - of the Integrated Development Plan for the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba was initiated, with the main idea of a competitive, sustainable and solidary metropolis, aiming to settle a physical- environmental, socioeconomic and institutional framework for the future of the MRC.

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